Our operating company, HéliVolcan, is located in Issoire in the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region.
From the heli-lift site, through the submission of files to the authorities concerned, we ensure that the helicopter, as an alternative to the crane, is a fast, economical and efficient solution.
As soon as the helicopter transport exceeds three hours, we provide you with ADR-compliant refuelling trucks free of charge.
Our flight assistants, dressed in PPE, are regularly trained and are in permanent radio contact with the pilot. The loads travel under our responsibility as soon as they are hooked up.
AS 350 B2
Lifting capacity of the Squirrel B2
how much can an as 350 b2 helicopter lift
Lifting capacity of Squirrel B3
how much can an as 350 b3 helicopter lift
Aerial work with slings by professionals
Our company benefits from a practical know-how and a great experience in helicopter lifting, making it a key player in the aerial market. Today, it has more than 30,000 hours of helicopter lifts to its credit.
Our team of experts intervenes with reactivity in all places inaccessible to ground vehicles.
We transport all types of loads: concrete, pylons, relay antennas, air conditioners, swimming pools, signs, and we also carry out pruning, logging, unrolling of tree protection nets, cables, fiber optics, supply of refuges, triggering of avalanches, work on dams…

We are available 7/7 to carry out the most sensitive helicopter transports. This allows us to be as close as possible to your work sites.
Besoin de renseignement complÉmentaires pour un levage ?
Responsable levage Pierre Vartanian